Thursday, January 22, 2015

I really like this quote as it really describes the life of Ishmeal as a kid in one sentence.
This website showes sierra leone after 10 years of the civil war.

sierra Leone's young army

Sierra Leone Timeline

This is a link that shows a break down of the 10 year civil war in Sierra Leone.

This is a link of UNICEF, and it is the organization for children of bad treatment. This organization is the one that took Ishmael in at first, and really helped him. Unicef is doing this still to this day to help children in need all over the world. The picture below is a UNICEF worker in Ghana helping out. This just shows how involved the people of the organization is.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

This picture here is showing the ruins of Sierra Leone after the civil war was finished. As you can see, this is only a small street that is completely destroyed. Just imagine the rest of the town. You can see the kids wandering around looking hopeless, wondering why someone would ever do this to innocent people. This picture should give you an idea of what they went through during the time of the civil war.
Here is a picture of where Sierra Leone is located and what their flag looks like!